Festivals When music meets art and technology: MUTEK Montreal by Ange Joachimowicz | photos by Vincent Fugère Montreal’s 13th annual electronic music festival MUTEK ...
Festivals Suuns performing at Canadian Music Week photos by Samuel Engelking Those who came to Lee’s Palace on Saturday night to see ...
Festivals Kickstarting Canadian Music Week, the highlights photos by Samuel Engelking Despite the March hail, snow, and subzero winds the Canadian Music ...
Festivals Highlights from Wavelength Festival What is Wavelength, you might ask. Well, it’s Toronto’s longest running underground music festival operated ...
Festivals Keeping it real, keeping it warm: Igloofest text by Magda Rucinski | photography by Adil Boukind Montreal’s premier winter music festival Igloofest ...
Festivals HARD x Mouth Taped Shut, Chicago text: Alex Gavin | photography: Isaac Joel Torres It all hit the fan Friday night ...
Festivals HARD festival | Toronto Interview with Dean Marino from Papermapsphotography: Marcin Barciak Originally founded by Gary Richards in 2007 ...
Festivals Wavefront music festival Chicago, first of it’s kind text: Alex Gavin | photography: Peter Kulak Over the weekend of June 30th to July ...
Festivals NXNE 2012 in review Touch Yourself USA Tour: Total Slacker + Night Managertext: Michael Raine | photography: Brian Patterson ...
Festivals NXNE: White Rabbits & The Black Belles text: Michael Raine | photography: Brian Patterson “Hi, we’re White Rabbits,” says singer Stephen Patterson ...
Festivals MUTEK 2012 in review text: Max Jones | photography: Vincent Fugère This year’s festival of music and technology, Mutek, ...