This week: True North Sound 6th Annual Canadian Beatbox Championship

Friday evening will mark the 6th Annual True North Sound Canadian Beatbox Championship.
Taking place at Lee’s Palace, the event will feature Canada’s top 16 beatboxers battling it out for the national championship. Beatbox Canada have pulled together an esteemed panel of judges to keep the game interesting, including Kaleb Simmonds, NAPOM, Kenny Urban, C-Fresh and Kaila Mullady – you may have seen some of them at Unity Festival earlier this year.
In addition to the competition, which is a treat on its own, the evening will bring together a solid lineup of special performances by Hachey the MouthPEACE, a B-Boy Battle presented by Unity Charity, and a KOTD Rap Battle featuring poRCH vs Prehistoric.
The full list of competitors and tickets can be found here.