ADE continues to plan the 2020 edition of the festival in times of uncertainty
The global pandemic has pushed many music festivals into the unknown and then promptly into new levels of innovation. Half way through the year as the world begins to slowly open up the future of music, at least when it comes to 2020, is still very much unknown.
In their most recent press release Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) have shared that they have been choosing to “stay focused on the possibilities for our 2020 edition rather than this year’s limitations”. In this optimistic spirit the festival organizers have shared a couple pieces of news:
The ADE Conference for this year will be an online-first event but a few limited physical networking events are in planning. International travel is still very limited and most countries discourage non-essential travel, due to these limitation the broader portion of the B2B focused conference programming will happen online but some, yet to be determined or announced activities will enable “ADE delegates to connect and meet up, both virtually as well as in real life”. What that means exactly we do not yet know but they you can register in advance to be the first to get the updates.
The state of the ADE Festival remains uncertain while the festival organizers are trying to figure out ho to “deliver the best possible ADE experience while respecting public health and government guidelines”. ADE in it’s proper shape and form takes over Amsterdam for a full week of small and large events and it is evident that this normal size and scope of the events is highly unlikely to happen but they are “continuously reevaluating the situation in close cooperation with the government,” shared the PR team.
In this uncertain anticipation the festival had also shared that if you were to purchase the 2020 ADE Pro Pass it “will provide free access to both ADE 2020’s digital program as well as full access to our 2021 edition. As a big thank you, several additional perks and exclusive offers will be made available to you throughout the coming year”.
Cover image: ADE 2019, see full coverage here.