Rifflandia Music Festival 2016 in pictures

It was a long, cold, and wet weekend in Victoria, BC but what made it brighter and lighter is all the bands and individual artist who flocked to the city for Rifflandia.
There were feathers, beards, leather jackets, fir coats, matching outfits, surprise guests, bad performances, good performances, new friends, and much more. Between the many highlights of the festival are:
Coleman Hell’s unicorn skin jacket – like can we all slow clap for that or what! Thing got really weird though when he smashed his ukulele on the stag, but hey, why not.
One of the note-worthy up-and-comers Lucas Dipasquale shocked everyone with his jazzy voice, strong rhymes, and personal stories. Looking forward to what comes next from him!
Dirty Radio made it snow and made a new track, with audience participating right on the stage.
Keys N Krates headline performance brought everyone to one stage and jumping up and down into the air with passionate ambition. If anyone knows how to turn it up it’s definitely these three.