Coffintexts and Jonny from Space collab to make us dance with “CIENFUEGOS”

Text by Bash Ortega
CIENFUEGOS, the upcoming collaborative EP from Conffintexts and Jonny From Space is the dance record you’d expect to come out of Miami. The EP is very techno influenced with minimal sound design, long, repetitive, and morphing tracks, and vocals that focus on a single word per track. However, Miami culture has certainly influenced the sound of CIENFUEGOS, noticeable through Latin dance beats, and some Spanish vocals. The vocals, while sparse, are definitely a focus of the songs, and Coffintexts’ sensual vocal performance is perfect for dark club music. On her Twitter, Coffintexts described CIENFUEGOS, “This next project with Jonny makes me feel like I’m a robot experiencing the island life for the first time. Beep boop but make it sexy.” I can see this EP being very popular among DJs, and I can’t wait to dance to it in the club!
The first track, “Talk to Me” is dancy and brings energy to the start of the album. It features Latin-inspired drums, like much of the album, and the phrase repeated throughout the song is “I like it”. The piece also intersperses in some ghostly moaning tones, and fun whistle sounds.
“Muy Sexy” reminded me of “Spoonman” by the 90s techno group Underworld. This song is dark, and, like the title says, very sexy. The song starts off with a heavy kick drum and builds up the drum pattern as the song progresses. The song structure has multiple quiet moments that ebb and flow, making “Muy Sexy” very dynamic.
“TOMA” is bass-heavy and futuristic. It made me think of the theme music for Terran from Starcraft, a reference you’ll only get if you’re a huge dork like me, but it speaks to the sci-fi quality of this song. It features beepy synths and a very minimalistic, rhythm-centered production. I think “TOMA” is very unique in its use of vocals as a rhythm instrument.
The final and title track, “Cienfuegos” is rhythm-heavy and industrial. The glitchy samples contrast with the sound of a hand drum throughout the song. Coffintexts centers the word, “what” on this song, giving it a very nonchalant attitude.
My only gripe with this EP is that I want to hear more from Coffintexts and Johnny From Space! If you like club music, you’ll be very pleased. Get your dancing shoes on, and prepare for CIENFUEGOS to drop on September 30!