Top 10 tracks of 2013

This was a tough choice to make. 2013 came at us with a lot of new music and a lot of fantastic albums which deserved their own attention so the tracks chosen for the top 10 of the year are the ones that stood out from the pack of single releases.
10. Introdeuce | Tre Mission
“Introdeuce” is the opening track from Tre Mission’s recent album Malmaison. Released earlier this year the album is significantly more mature than Mission’s earlier work. This track in particular is a clean introduction to Mission’s new grown-up sound, its clean synths resting on pulsing bass drums makes this song really stand out.
9. Relations | Kenna
“Relations” is a track made by Kenna in collaboration with Childish Gambino. Though not the cleanest production, this is the kind of song that rocks you into nasty romanticism.
8. Do I Make You Feel Shy | Connan Mockasin
Connan Mockasin has one of those voices that walks a fine line of creepy. This New Zealand soft-pop-rock craftsman has a particular gift in making music that welcomes itself into your bedroom. It is smooth and sultry and a bit uncomfortable retro soft rock.
7. Every Night | Josef Salvat
This is what Clash Magazine called a “cinematic piece of pop music” and we agree. Singer/songwriter is a dangerous territory to peruse, one where you can easily wonder into the boredom territory, but Salvat has a way of making music that pierces through your soul in a tender, gentle way that awakens all sorts of positive emotions.
6. Alarm | Wise Blood
Wise Blood has been coming in and out of the music scene since 2010. This year his bedroom-crafted music productions were compiled in a new album, Rat. The track “Alarm,” which originally appeared on Id, is one of those that will live with you, sleep with you, and wake up with you until the moment you hear something else equally interesting.
5. Ghostcity | Thomas Azier
Having struggled to find an audience for his music, Thomas Azier played red-eye gigs in Berlin nightclubs. All those shows taught him a lot about music and what his niche could be. Today Azier makes dark electro-pop, and I think it is safe to say that “Ghostcity” is a great example of what he’s achieved.
4. Born In The Cold | Wiley
“Born In The Cold” is one of the many great singles Wiley released this year and though all of them are worthy of attention this one in particular suits the end-of-year pick. This song cuddles you, wraps you up in a warm sweater like homemade hot chocolate.
3. My Friends Never Die | Odesza
Much like most of the songs Odesza’s Knight and Harrison write, “My Friends Never Die” was created for a live performance. The song is deep, voluminous, and features carefully produced synths with a hint of hip hop beats and memorable vocals.
2. Drop The Game | Flume & Chet Faker
This is one of those matches that was just meant to happen. Flume and Chet Faker make good shit together and although this is not the first song the two Australian geniuses made together, “Drop The Game” is arguably the best.
1. Life Round Here | James Blake Feat. Chance The Rapper
James Blake’s haunting voice combined with Chance The Rapper’s soothing messy rhymes makes for a rather melancholic track, a rewind, repeat, and listen-to-again kind of track.